Engineering Expertise
Solutions are found when you apply the right resources to tackle the challenges at hand. With over 77 years controlling pressure, fluids, flow, electronics and power, we have the engineering expertise to provide innovative control systems for challenging operating requirements on aerospace & defense platforms. Our streamlined engineering processes combined with our state-of-the-art engineering resources and tools will lead you to the most cost effective, reliable solution to help you retain your competitive edge.
Markets We Serve
- Space: With more than 60 years of experience under our belts, our space systems engineering has served a vital role since the earliest days of manned spaceflight. Our fuel control valves were part of the Saturn rocket, and our propulsion systems served a critical function in the Lunar Module’s ascent and descent engines. We continue to leverage our space systems design expertise to this day, as we continue to meet the extreme challenges and demands of this sector with reliable, cost-effective components. Our products deliver safety, integrity and quality to protect spacecraft systems and ensure successful missions.

Electrical Engineering

Design & Analysis Tools
- Cadence
- Mentor
- xSpice
- Ansys
- Matlab
- Relex
- Abaqus
- Creo
- Mathcad

Analysis Capabilities
- Circuit tolerance
- Monte Carlo
- Component stress & derating
- Thermal & stress FEA
- Mechanical tolerance
- Sneak circuit
- Stability & dynamic response
- Steinberg/Engelmaier solder stress
- Reliability & FMECA

Parts & Requirements Management
- Requirement traceability
- Silicon expert database
- Tin whisker mitigation
- Source from AEC-100 qualified sources

Mechanical Engineering

Analysis Capabilities
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Structural finite element analysis
- Thermal finite element analysis
- Electromechanical analysis
- Dynamic simulation
- Reliability / FMEA / FMECA / PFMEA

Design & Analysis Tools
- Ansys
- Creo
- Matlab
- Mathcad
- Pro/Mechanica
- Custom Solenoid Design Software
- Tolerance stack up
- Material compatibility database
- Galvanic couple analysis database

Parts & Requirements Management
- Requirement traceability

Software Engineering
Marotta Controls supports all phases of the software design and development life-cycle process. We have expertise with the necessary standards based development processes, documentation, languages, platforms and tools used in the aerospace and defense industries. Our expertise includes:
- Requirements Based Testing
- Unit Testing
- FMET Testing
- Languages: C, Assembly, Visual C/C++
- HDL Programming for FPGAs and CPLD
- HDL Programming for FPGAs and CPLD
- Branch Coverage
- MISRA Standard for Defensive, Safe, Reliable Programming
- DO-178B Capable
- SO 12207
- JSF Seal 2
- Documentation to ISO 12207 & DO-178B Capable Standards
- Statement Coverage