On Wednesday, August 12th U.S Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen made a special visit to the Marotta Controls’ facility. Frelinghuysen is the representative for New Jersey’s 11th congressional district in which Marotta’s facility is located. As Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, Rep. Frelinghuysen plays an integral role in decisions made regarding the U.S Department of Defenses’ budget, which greatly impacts Marotta’s industry and  business.
Rep. Frelinghuysen met with Patrick Marotta and the executive team for an update on the programs that Marotta is currently working on as well as the status of the company’s  facility expansion project. He also toured our facility and met with employees to see firsthand how each and every person contributes to the success of Marotta and their customers.
During his address to the Marotta employees Rep. Frelinghuysen emphasized the importance of our work to the safety and security of our nation.
 “It’s the type of work and commitment you make here – whether It’s on a submarine, on an airplane, or on a surface vessel, there’s a piece of Marotta that’s keeping us safe and giving our soldiers, sailors and airmen what they need to do the work that they do”.
For more information on Rodney Frelinghuysen please visit his website http://frelinghuysen.house.gov/
Media Contact
Tara Collazo